Paving, Painting and Posts

 This week has been fairly quiet. 

Although the concrete set very quickly there is a wait time before we can lay the tiles. The painters have been working inside, finishing off the bedrooms and staircase. While outside the paving and fences have been going up.

It was a little surprise to me when we discovered the paving slabs were bright orange.....  I'm going to blame it on 2020 and my inability to go visit the shops.  I went online and purchased this tile. Which looks perfectly normal and inoffensive.

However on the ground.   Wow, that's orange.  In defence of my choice, it only seems to get really orange when it is wet.  It will probably dull with age and dirt and actually is quite nice once you get used to it.

The fences are possibly more orange.  But I think they might also dull with age.

Inside there is painting and everything is white.

And to add some excitement,  here is a cute cat wrestling video.


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